Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July 20th

(First, I have to say that I know it's technically not July 20th anymore. But I started writing this before midnight, so it doesn't count. Still doing well with practicing gratitude daily!)

This morning, over a delicious mug of espresso and a somewhat disturbing lecture about oceanic orgies (okay, not my professor's term, but rather mine), I kept coming up with new ideas for Daily Offerings. Unfortunately, I didn't sit myself down to write earlier... and now it's 11:30, I'm sleepy, and all those lovely ideas have become a one big barrel of image monkeys in my head. (Shout out to [title of show]. If you didn't get the reference, my apologies. Go listen to the soundtrack right now and enjoy its ridiculousness.)

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, I expect to craft a more satisfying expression of gratitude with the new sun. (More satisfying to me.) I look forward to sitting down with another cup espresso and just writing. I guess that's what I'm grateful for today - that this blog is not only making me focus on the positive, but that it's also just getting me back to writing every day. Thank you.

Oh, and here's something else I'm grateful for today (among other things, of course) just because it makes me laugh:

Jason posted this picture along with this answer to the question, "Why [does] Mr. Toca Rivera always wear sunglasses? Same reason you always wear hats?"
Answer: "Toca’s attention to singing is so solid that he loses the ability to blink his eyes, much less close them. Since we began our journey together in 2000, he’s worn sunglasses so as not to scare the children. As for me keeping it always tucked under a hat, I should mention that it isn’t hair under there. It’s nerve endings. Please don’t touch."

Ha! I briefly considered making that photo my desktop on my computer, but then I decided having Toca stare at me like that was somewhat disturbing. Almost as disturbing as oceanic orgies.

G'Night, image monkeys.

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