Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cause It's Too Darn Hot (Like my man Cole Porter said...)

Points if you get the obvious and the less obvious reference in the title...

I am extremely grateful for several things today. I spent the entire morning moving, and 95% of it is done. However, it is now registering at 103 degrees in Tacoma. I think they said on the news that it's a record. Anyways, in this frakking ridiculous heat (with no AC), a few things have improved my mood and have me thanking God for their existence.

-My shower. Sweet, sweet cold water.
-My Mentha Vitamin body wash. It's super minty and super cooling. Seriously, I think it dropped my body temp about 20 degrees. My skin was cool to the touch 20 minutes after I got out of the shower. I think it was created in heaven.
-Water. The kind you drink. With ice cubes.
-My basement. I'm hiding out down here with my mother. We've been chatting and playing on our computers and reading for a while, and since it's only about 75-80 down here, it's lovely. I'm actually considering putting on something with sleeves for the first time in three days.
-Popsicles. As Lauren said last night, "It's like air conditioning for my insides!"

Anyways, this heat gives me lots of reasons to complain. But, with those reasons to complain come things to make me grateful. I think that's something I'm going to try and do more often. When something sucks, I'm going to try and find the good side. Not the "it could be worse" side, because that's just annoying, but the good side.

And now, to brave the upstairs of the house for more water...


  1. Lights up on Washington Heights up at the break of day... ;)

  2. LOVE THAT SONG!!!!! And you of course. Hope you can keep cool!
