Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I wish I could Purr...

Today I am grateful for felines of all varieties. From my big, huge, fluffy, loving Pooka, to my dad's two new, adorable kittens. I guess they aren't that new since we got them at the end of May, but they do something new and wonderful every day. Today, it was their purrs that were so welcome. To me, there is no sound in this world better than a cat's purr. I often fantasize about one day being on Inside the Actor's Studio and when James Lipton asks me what my favorite sound in the world is I will respond, without hesitation, "My cat purring." I wish I could purr. It is a perfect and effortless expression of contentment. I think I would purr a lot lately. There are so many wonderful things to purr about, kittens and cats being one of them.

So, to start my list today, I am grateful for kittens purring. Other wonderful things to be grateful for today are:
  • My foot healing
  • The bittersweet feeling of finishing the last book of a favorite author. At least another one should be released next year! And Kelli, you MUST read The Will of the Empress and Melting Stones if you haven't.
  • Summer's abundance of fresh produce.
  • Diabetes. For making me take responsibility for my life and my health at such a young age.
  • The wonderful people at the Pinecone Playhouse.
  • Live theatre.
  • Giant geyser.
  • Inspiration.
  • The opportunity to direct and choreograph NOMT this year (thank you Lauren!)
  • And the beautiful, talented, kind women that are working with me on NOMT this year.
  • So You Think You Can Dance.
  • Having Fox back on my TV so I don't have to try and find SYTYCD via youtube.
  • Youtube.

Okay, I'll stop there, leave a few for tomorrow. Or maybe even tonight if I feel even more grateful after watching SYTYCD. I have a feeling I'll be thankful for Ellen by the end of the night. :)

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