Thursday, July 30, 2009

Moving on Up (AND SO CLOSE TO THE HOMELAND!!!!!!!)

Alright so I just finished moving over my first load of stuff to my new house AND I'M SO EXCITED!!!!! EEK!!!! I have noticed from just that one car load (full of heavy boxes mind you) that one can work up an appetite in like 2.5 obv the best solution involved crack fries. And they were delish. And no, I do not feel bad at all about it cause I probably burned a million and a half calories carting crap up and down the stairs (I currently live on the second floor). So. I just need to move everything else tomorrow and then go to rehearsal tomorrow night and then LEAVE ON SATURDAY!!!! Woot. So. excited. (in case you didn't notice).

So I'm eternally grateful for the following:
  • The semi-cool weather right now. Apparently the homeland and CO decided to switch the weather cause it's nice and cool with breezes. Loves it.
  • Lindsey, Jason, Liz, Laura, and CJ for helping me move tomorrow. Gotta love those kick ass friends who help you move.
  • Jana the current roommate for the use of her truck tomorrow AND for making delicious deserts that I will miss.
  • Melody for picking me up from the airport so we can hang out and have coffee and be girly and talk about boys. Love her.
  • Sam for the awesome pic messages from our beautiful country (keep 'em coming!)
  • My mama for calling every five seconds with wedding updates.
  • Chatting on the phone with my six year old cousin about shopping at Old Navy. She told me when I get home we'll have to go shopping and I said "Yes, please!!!"
  • Seeing my grandparents in a few's been two years I think. GAH.
  • Bumping into Andy randomly before he moves to Indiana to be amazing and take IU by storm.
  • Cute dresses.
Alright folks, the next post will prob be from the HOMELAND or the airport. It'll depend on how bored I get waiting for my flight. Haha. Love to all!!!!

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