Wednesday, July 22, 2009

July 22nd

Today has been a whirlwind. That field trip I mentioned yesterday was okay... not the most fun I've ever had, but interesting. And I did open up my eyes to all the cool things this earth and its oceans can produce. But getting up at 5:15am and then spending the entire morning/early afternoon climbing slippery sea-cliffs means I'm now extremely tired. So. The number one thing I'm grateful for today just might be my bed (which is calling to me from the other room...)

Other things I'm grateful for today:
  • my health. Reading Samantha's strong, brave, and emotional Daily Offering about dealing with her disease, and living through a lot of the ups and downs of it at her side, I'm so incredibly thankful that I'm lucky enough to not count myself among the millions of women struggling with an eating disorder. Sam, you are truly one of the most beautiful people I know, in body and soul, and I envy and admire your strength. Thank you too for your willingness to share your struggles and triumphs with so many people via A Daily Offering of Gratitude and Broken Down Dollhouse. I have to also say that I'm impressed by Clare's ability to lead such an active, positive, glowing life while dealing with diabetes. You also rock, girl. There's nothing you can't do. (How awesome is it that these two ladies are blogging here and sharing their gratitude for the good days? Really damn awesome.)
  • I'm also grateful for my health because I just found out that my friend and former roommate (who unfortunately has many health issues) was just diagnosed with a very small, but still present, cancerous spot on her thyroid. For her privacy I won't name names, but I would very much appreciate it if you could send prayers/good vibes/healing energy/whatever-you-believe-in her way. Thank you.
  • Oh, heck, I'm just sending out one gigantic wave of love to everyone I know or have had the pleasure of knowing who has had to deal with serious heath problems. Each and every one of you/them inspire me with your/their strength.
  • I'm grateful for dance and the power it has to move people in magnificent ways.
  • I'm grateful for Tyce Diorio, Mia Michaels, Desmond Richardson, and other choreographers like them who create such meaningful and beautiful pieces of movement and expression. I love it when choreography goes beyond being a series of steps and becomes a breathing, moving piece of art that isn't afraid to tackle serious subjects.
  • Along with that, I'm extremely grateful for theatrical artists who do the same thing with plays and musicals. That's why I'm so obsessed with Spring Awakening - I have so much love for a piece of theatre that connects with so many young adults (and adult adults) by bringing the subjects of sexuality, suicide, abortion, education, religion, masturbation, and etc to the forefront. It's so cool to me that theatre can educate, inspire, entertain, and in many cases actually change people's lives. That's why I want to do this for a living.
  • On a lighter note, I'm grateful for having an ipod when I have to ride in a PLU van for a total of about 5 hrs in one day.
  • And lastly (for tonight, anyway) I'm grateful for my puppy, Gidget. She's a handful, to be sure, and a brat at times, but I can tell she loves me unconditionally. And she's super cute when she gets sleepy - she starts wandering aimlessly around the room until I put her in her crate, and then she immediately snuggles up to her stuffed monkey and goes to sleep.
To bed, to bed. Looking forward to what a new day will bring.

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