Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Where I go, when I go there...

It has been FAR too long since I've posted. And I have had so much to be grateful for in the last week. It has been a trying week emotionally and physically, but such a good one at the same time. Sometimes the weeks that have the highest highs and the lowest lows are the best. Yesterday for instance I was stuck in a strange 'existential limbo'. That whole question of "what am I doing with my life?" was at the forefront and really becoming a problem. It is still bothering me, but then last night I went to NOMT dance rehearsal.

I taught the choreography for Touch Me. It is beautiful. It is the best song ever written and the best piece I have ever choreoraphed. And all my dancers in it are incredible. It was such a blessing to get to live in that song for three hours and I can't wait to work it again tonight.

So, with that, I'm off to watch SYTYCD. Another thing to be grateful for, and then off to review all 13 (YES 13) Dances we've learned so far.

But first, a short list:
  • So You Think You Can Dance being back on. Beautiful.
  • Spring Awakening. Particularly Touch Me.
  • My cast. They are really what is getting me through this semester.
  • Dance. Which I never would have truly rediscovered if I hadn't come to PLU.
  • My friends. You all know who you are and I love you.
  • Relationships. While I'm not in one at the moment and kinda frustrated with that, I'm trying to see the beauty in my friends' relationships and be happy for them. Like Noam and Angie. They are adorable together and I hope it works out for them. :)


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