Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day 57: I swear when I miss free throws.

Somehow my plans for today went from staying home with a blanket (even though it was 80 degrees), a cup of coffee and a book to busting my ass at the gym, taking a relaxing bath, baking chocolate chip banana muffins and collapsing into what may or may not have been a nap. So obviously my day turned out a little differently than planned.

It was good though. As much as I bitch and moan about the gym, I always feel good knowing I've gotten a good work out. And in between the elliptical and the stationary bike, I definitely spent some time on the treadmill watching part of an episode of SATC, so I can't really complain.

Today, I am grateful for:
  • getting a good work out.
  • the basketball court being empty, so I could shoot around a little. I haven't played in years, and it was fun to see what came back easily. (It was less fun to see what I was no longer able to do, but whatever.)
  • chocolate chip banana muffins. They remind me of Erin and the apartment so much, and they're hella tasty.
  • waking up to pouring rain this morning. I love that it can be like that in the morning, and it's still a beautiful day in the 80's.
  • having a television in my room. Tonight might be a night to crash early. I have no idea why I'm so tired.

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