Saturday, September 12, 2009

This evening brought to you by the letter B.

It's been a less than productive day. Every job I found during my search would require actual transportation rather than just busing. And seeing as I can't afford a car until I have a job...yeah. Not so great. But this evening was fun. So here's my list.

*BSG (Or rather, sharing the greatness.)
*Buffy (Sharing the greatness and just watching a few favored eps.)
*Baths. I may not have an epic jacuzzi tub, but beer and Buffy made it fun and relaxing.
*Bath bombs. Fun colored, nice smelling baths are even more fun.

And now I'm going to bed. Which is another B word. So goodnight,...bitches. (I had to.)

1 comment:

  1. 1. Thanks or sharing BSG with me! I got into way more than I thought I would.
    2. Bath bombs are the greatest invention ever. Good call.
