Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day 61: A Life of Crime

Looking back on what I wrote yesterday, I'm more than a little embarrassed how emotional I was. I debated deleting the post, but I opted not to since, as embarrassed as I might be by it now, it was the truth then, and hiding the truth seems pointless now that it's been out there.

Today was better in a sense. I had my phone conference today, and it went my way, so I'm a little less stressed, but I'll probably still be freaked out until everything is set up for me to back to school on the terms I was assured I could go back.

It's an odd process, this whole going back to school thing. For one thing, it's gotten infinitely more complicated, and it's also managed to be a tad more expensive. I had fooled myself into thinking I would just slide right back into it, and (shocker) it's not that simple, on paper or emotionally.

But today was a really good step.

Today, I am grateful for:
  • Jim being so amazing and helpful in the process of getting back to school. Seriously. He just made things a lot less stressful.
  • tonight's television line up. Especially after today, I needed to just relax and watch some good tv.
  • Leverage. It's a show I'm hooked on thanks to Kelli. It makes me want a Robin Hood gig something fierce. I would enjoy a life of crime...
  • being Type A. It can stress me out, but it makes things so much less stressful in the long run.
  • chapstick. When I get stressed, I mess with my mouth a bunch, pursing and unpursing my lips and other such habits. I had to carry a tube of chapstick everywhere I went today. I'm sure I looked a little OCD...

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