Friday, September 18, 2009

Day 63: The Rumor

Today has been...interesting. I got a text this afternoon from someone asking if I was coming back to PLU because someone else asked them if I was coming back because they had seen something that implied that I was coming back. It was all rather complicated, and I went from super mad at the person at the base of the rumor to feeling sad that plans to move back to Washington have gotten seriously derailed to mildly upset to embarrassed to upset again to just wanting to forget about it all. It was a fairly innocent action that triggered a Hell of a lot of concrete and emotional problems. For the record, I have no plans to return to Seattle on a permanent basis. I promise to visit as much as possible though.

So I spent the day doing laundry, watching a few shows that Kelli has me addicted to,and playing with Sophie. It wasn't anything special, but they were good distractions. I'll get the important stuff done tomorrow.

Today, I am grateful for:
  • croissant sandwiches. Today's turn of events left me without an appetite, and it was nice to have something on hand that was fairly guilt free.
  • friends who ask me when they hear rumors concerning me. (Much appreciated.)
  • having the house to myself tomorrow. My parents are headed to Texas, so Sophie and I will be free to do as we please. For me, that means figuring a bunch of school stuff while parked in front of the television that's hooked up to my XBox which is hooked into Netflix instant streaming.
  • having a mom who is seriously willing to kick some ass on my behalf.
  • feeling less homesick for Seattle lately. I still miss it and a lot of the people I had to leave behind, but I still talk to a fair amount of people, and I'm remembering the reasons I left.

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