Alright ladies, I Lurrrrrve DVR. For reals. How did I survive without it? Whitney Houston on Oprah is probably the highlight of my week thus far, and I truly mean that. Unfortunately I did not see the first part/day of the interview because the station it was on decided that tennis was more important (FALSE) and so I missed it. Ugh. HOWEVER, the second day was a gem. Also: Anthony Bourdain is my hero. I want to be him when I grow up with a splash of Oprah and Halle Berry (the money and the body, no?). Sorry I've been MIA, but this year is going to be crazy epic in all kinds of ways. Survival shall be the name of the game this year, fo sho. On another note the day of my birth is coming up and I've decided a fatty cocktail party is in order. Mainly cause I have the cutest dress and wanted to wear it and secondly because I love when all my friends get together. It's the best. PLUS I've just made friends with this guy who used to be a bartender and so he has this sweet kit he takes everywhere---so I have a legit bartender coming to my bday party! Holla!
Let's focus on the positive, shall we?
- DVR.
- The roomies.
- Flat bread, pesto, tomato, and mozzarella. I really can't stop eating it. So delish.
- Inside the Actor's Studio. It's back and I love the questionaire at the end. It's classic.
- Whole Foods. Loves it.
- Making some hard decisions about my future and life. It's needed and I think I'm making the best decisions possible.
- Rachel Maddow. She combines witty and geeky-smart into a beautiful show on msnbc.
- Texting. I can still be in touch with people without having to give constant attention to a conversation as weird as that sounds.
Good night ladies and remember: Crack. Is. Wack!
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