Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day 65: St. Jude

So I'm trying to convince my parents to (let me) adopt the neighborhood stray, Rufus. His owner apparently lived here about ten years ago, and when the owner moved, he left Rufus behind. He's lived outside ever since, getting food from some of the families that live along the inlet. But he's scared of storms, and we have crazy storms here. Plus, he's getting older, and he's going to need someone to take care of him.

We've already decided that we're giving him a flea bath and flea medication this month so that he can come in during the storms when he gets scared and sleep inside when it gets cold. (He barged straight past me and into the library during a storm a few months ago.) But I want him to be able to sleep inside where it's warm and dry and to have people who are his every day. All he really wants is a little food and people to scratch his ears.

I asked my mom if that could be my Christmas present, completely adopting Rufus. I've already convinced her to let him spend Christmas Eve and Christmas with us. A little more convincing to go...

Today, I am grateful for:
  • Snickers ice cream bars. They're on their way to me right now.
  • "Sex me!"
  • football season. I love it. I really do. Maybe it was Kamiak. I don't really know. But something got football in my blood, and I love watching the games on television and in person. My mission is to go to a Razorbacks game this season.
  • figuring out a little more of where I am with religion/faith/God. I've become really attached to Catholicism again, especially the saints.
  • being able to quote television shows back and forth with Kelli.

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