Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 68: Pumpkin Spice Lattes

This will be quick since I'm eager to slip into the world of BSG and escape the world. Today was a weird day of trying to decide if we need to head back to Seattle since my grandmother is slipping and my aunt's cancer is in serious need of a good ass kicking (which I'm sure my aunt will give it). But in the midst of it all, I had a really grounding experience. One of our neighbors across the lake just lost her father, and while I don't wish that on anyone, it was a good reminder that I'm not the only one dealing with something like this. So my heart goes out to Shirley, and I am grateful that we can, in some sense, get through this together.

Today, I am grateful for:
  • getting my hair done today. It's shallow and superficial, but sometimes those are a good start. And I adore my hair lady here.
  • having such a close community here. Our inlet really does take care of each other.
  • pumpkin spice lattes. I drank them every morning while my grandfather was dying, and ever since, they've been my ultimate comfort food. In a weird way, it's nice to be doing all of this while they are in season.
  • a good night of television. It's nice to have an escape.
  • being able to sleep in somewhat tomorrow. That will feel oh so good.

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