Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 59

I'm having a really hard time being grateful right now. I'm a little overwhelmed with school stuff, and I had a rather unpleasant interaction with my father tonight, so I'm sort of really ready for this day to be over.

It's easy to focus on the stress and frustration right now, but I know there were things to be grateful for. It just takes a little more searching than usual.

Today, I am grateful for:
  • Sandi Thom. I'm listening to her on my iPod right now, and her album Smile...It Confuses People is really easy to get lost in. It's nice.
  • my mom, who has been suggesting foods for the past hour in an effort to find one that I'll actually eat. It's not working, but the effort is much appreciated.
  • getting all of this school stuff started. It's incredibly stressful, but it's progress, and it's best to get this over with.
  • break-and-bake cookie dough. I think it might be the only thing I've eaten today. It tastes so good, and it's kept my blood sugar up.
  • tomorrow. I have every faith that it will be at least a little bit better.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you had a rough day... but I'm glad you found a few things to be grateful for. After all, that's what this blog is for, right?

    Now, as much as I would like to, woman cannot live on cookie dough alone. Listen to your mother and eat something. Or listen to me and eat something. ;) I wish I could share some of the chicken noodle soup I made from scratch tonight - it was delish.
