Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"You need to be evacuated... FROM THOSE PANTS. And not in a sexy way."

Today I'm grateful for:
  • sleeping until almost noon completely on accident. I did feel somewhat guilty and lazy when I got up, but I figure if I didn't wake up before then, my body must have needed it.
  • the way the air outside hinted at the coming of autumn.
  • freshly baked pumpkin bread.
  • figuring out that I probably have the funds to visit Sam in The Ark after all. (I love Southwest's "Wanna Get Away" fares.) I just need to figure out a practical time to go.... I'd leave tomorrow if I could.
  • Operation Calendar Girls (sorry, only Kelli will get that.) ;)
  • finding information on several internships at The 5th Avenue Theatre in Seattle. I've asked Jeff and Brian for letters of recommendation, so while I wait to hear back from them I've got to get started on my letter of interest and filling out the application. Wish me luck!
  • Sam and Kelli's Common House of Hottness
  • The Fug Girls, for making me laugh so hard I almost cried. (See title of this post. And their post on "Local Newscaster Colleen Williams.")

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