Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day 58: Distractions

I was in serious need of some distractions today since I was trying to get something in particular out of my head. Luckily, the world seemed to agree to my need, and distractions fell into place. I made a bunch of progress towards going back to school. I got a little wrapped up in Operation ModCloth Pin Up. I got to have a total fashion-gasm. And even though I haven't totally avoided the inner workings of my brain, I haven't thought a lot about them.

So today, I am grateful for:
  • Operation ModCloth Pin Up. It gave me something to get lost in. And get a little lost in it I did. Seriously. It even has its own notebook now. I take world domination very seriously.
  • Christian Siriano's collection for Fashion Week. The Fug Girls put up a link to it, but I ignored it because of the fugtastic catsuit that I had seen. But Lauren told me to take a look, and I'm glad I did. They shut it down. Completely. The styles are so classy and simple in such a complex way. And the reds and blues are just bananas. I would love to have so many pieces from that collection.
  • having a fellow fashionista in Lauren. It's fun to have someone to nerd out about fashion with.
  • the NCIS marathon that was on today (and is still on). It's let me always have something on in the background.
  • Southern cornbread. It wasn't a distraction, but it tastes so good.

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