Monday, September 28, 2009

Destination Jason - The Gratitude Cafe Road-trip

Oh. My. Goodness! This weekend has left me exhausted, inspired, uplifted, and completely overwhelmed with gratitude. I can't imagine much that would have made this (belated) birthday any better. (And what I can, well... I'll leave that to you to... imagine for yourself.)

But seriously - dinner with Jacklyn, Kelli, and Clare on Saturday was lovely and just what I needed, and my trip to Portland with Kelli yesterday and today was absolutely fantastic. The custom mix cds made especially for our road-trip, the concert, drinks at the hotel, seeing Nick today - all wonderful. I am so grateful for good friends, good food, great music, and the incredible amount of positive energy that surrounded me the last three days.

I've been staring at my computer screen for the last fifteen minutes or so trying to figure out how to adequately describe just how insanely amazing the Jason Mraz concert was last night. And I'm not entirely sure I can. Here are the best descriptors I've come up with thus far: funky, sexy, soulful, joyful, beautiful, inspiring, uplifting, energizing, loving, GRACIOUS. Hopefully that gives you some sort of insight into the kind of evening Kelli and I had.
For starters, we almost walked right into Bushwalla while heading towards our seats. I guess he was hanging out with all the Gratitude Volunteers who were playing games, hula hooping, and just spreading the love throughout the arena. K and I definitely did a double take after he swooped past us, looked at each other and went, "... Was that Bushwalla?!?" Seriously awesome. I just wished we'd realized it was him sooner so we could wish him a good show or something.
Bushwalla warmed up the crowd with a couple of songs and MC'd the whole concert, along with guesting with Jason and G. Love & Special Sauce, the other opening act. If you love Jason Mraz and haven't gotten into Bushwalla yet, you must. Like Kelli said to me, he's sort of a baritone, soulful version of Jason. Check him out on iTunes or on his website. I particularly love his track "Acoustic Rhymer."
After Bushwalla, G. Love & Special Sauce (aka my new infatuation) took the stage. Again, if you've never heard them - and I hadn't until last night - I highly recommend them. Their music is hip-hop meets blues meets funk, with a lot of soul and some killer harmonica. "Peace, Love and Happiness" has a bouncy, joyful feel, while tracks like "Can't Go Back to Jersey" and "Booty Call" insist that you get up and dance. All of their albums (and there are many) can be found on iTunes or you can listen to every track in full on their website. (With handy lyrics that pop up along side.)
Jason's set was, of course, abso-fuckin-lutely amazing. He did a bunch of songs from We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things as well as some older favorites like "Unfold", "You and I Both," and new versions of "The Remedy" and "Curbside Prophet." He and Toca also performed a gorgeous duet written by Toca's brother called "Dear Anna"; Kelli and I are determined to find a recording somewhere, though I doubt it exists. (There are a few decent videos on youtube, I discovered, though you have to put up with screaming crowd noise.)

Anyway. Long story not at all short, I had some of the most fun I had in a long time last night. Thank you K, for sharing it with me, thank you to my mama for buying us tickets, and thank you Jason, Bushwalla, G. Love & Special Sauce, and the whole Gratitude Band for an incredible concert. I feel the love, and I am grateful.

1 comment:

  1. Very thoughtfull post on gratitude. It should be very much helpfull

    Karim - Mind Power
