Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 67: Ups and Downs

So I got a call today that my grandmother is somewhat on the upswing. She's tackled one part of things, so if she can recover from the pneumonia and the fractured pelvis, she'll make it. Hopefully we'll know more tomorrow.

It's been a day of ups and downs. My mom and I went in to Little Rock to shop in order find me a black dress to wear the memorial service that we were told to expect. Then we came home to find that things were kind of on hold. She's doing better, but her better is still not so great.

Today, I am grateful:
  • that my grandmother is pulling through. I always knew she was a fighter, but I was worried that the Alzheimer's had wiped that out. I'm so glad it didn't.
  • for the earrings that I found to go with my LBD. They're pearl drop earrings that each have two miniature pearls, one hanging with a little heart and one hanging with a little cross. They're gorgeous, and they totally remind me of my grandmother.
  • for the amazing support I've gotten. Thanks, everyone.
  • for An Inquiry into the Existence of Guardian Angels. It's a book that used to be my grandfather's that I stumbled upon a while ago. I think it's time to read it, so that's what I'm planning to do.
  • dinner at Pei Wei. It's one of my favorite restaurants in Little Rock, and there happens to be one near my favorite shop.

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