Monday, September 28, 2009

"Did you know that Joseph Stalin was taken?!?"

Ah Friends. I have two roommates and one of them owns all 10 seasons of Friends while the other one and myself have not experienced watching Friends all the way through. So, we are. And it's been good times thus far. We've finally finished the first season which has taken us awhile...perhaps three-ish weeks. It's hard for all of us to be home to watch and for there to be nothing else to be on the TV. And tonight I witnessed Joey wanting to create a stage name for himself---and of course Chandler suggested Joseph Stalin. Excellent. Of course hilarity ensued. The best was Chandler's face whilst Joey became convinced that it was a good idea.

I have to say that I have a ridiculous amount of things to be grateful for, I just know that I find a way to NOT be grateful day to day. It's quite silly, really. How is it that I am incapable of holding onto the good things in my life? Hmm....mayhaps stress. And school and all that. But really I think it's the way that I have conditioned myself. It's so much easier to freak out (which I'm hella good at) and thusly I find myself spiraling into a shit storm of stress. Good. Times. So while I'm in my last year of school (FOR. EVER.) I need to refocus and recenter myself. I need to love all the moments of laughter (which I do. Totes) and the gems that happen throughout my day rather than the big life changing decisions that are breathing down my back. Le sigh. Easier said than done. With my birthday less than two weeks away I shall endeavor to do just that. Truly.

  • Friends with my friends.
  • My impending Quarter Life Crisis. For reals.
  • The cocktail party for said crisis (It's gonna be redonkulous).
  • The DE-lish cupcakes I ordered for said party.
  • The cute boy I havea crush on. He's adorable.
  • The birthday card I got in the mail today from my mom almost two weeks early. Gotta love the mom.
  • New bras. I spent a lot of money, but hopefully it'll be worth it.
  • Costume fittings for the opera (I'm grateful because this had never happened before here--no really. The woman who used to do the costumes would just like eyeball us and make it work. But it didn't work. At all.)
  • The Invention of Lying. Can. Not. Wait. to see this movie. For reals.
  • My friend/roomie's recital this Friday. It's gonna be legit and she's gonna be beautiful.
  • My bed. It's beautiful. I love it.
Good night all! Sending love to you Sam!


  1. "Costume fittings for the opera (I'm grateful because this had never happened before here--no really. The woman who used to do the costumes would just like eyeball us and make it work. But it didn't work. At all.)"

    This makes my soul vomit a little out of despair. It's called using a tape measure.

  2. I love the episode of Friends! Okay, I love all episodes of Friends... And The Invention of Lying looks a-mazing.

    Love to you too! I can't wait for December!

  3. I know, right? It should make you vomit a wee bit. I have SO many stories about this woman. She's a crazy bitch, no joke. I actually got measured today and it was glorious. Miss you both!
