Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day 55: Breaking My "Five Rule"

Today, I am grateful for:
  • awesome work out mixes on my iPod. I made a new one today, and it totally did the trick.
  • never having to compete for a machine at my athletic club.
  • having a sessions pass to the athletic club that means I don't have to pay for a full membership. It's useful. Even if having a real membership might push me to go more often...
  • getting to do a little flirting today.
  • Victoria's Secret sweat pants. I wore the ones I got with Lauren for (What was it?) Relaxation Techniques to the gym and ended up spending the rest of the day in them because they're so damn comfortable.
  • VS Student Lounge. I really like the Razorback tee, and I'm trying to rationalize spending $32 dollars on a tee when there's other stuff that I want to buy that I would wear more often (like new jeans).
  • someone (who can identify themself if they wish, but who I will not reveal) telling me in "a non-awkward way" via text that I have nice cleavage. Thanks much.
  • Operation ModCloth Pin Up finally finding its angle. It's a go.
  • getting a text from my cousin, Katie, today. She's the person on that side of the family that I'm closest with, so it was good to hear from her.
  • vegetarian days. They feel oh-so-good, and dinner tonight was so tasty.

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