Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 73

I am currently exhausted as fuck. It's been a long day of talking about my feelings, holding in my feelings and remembering that there are times when profanity is unacceptable. I don't mean to imply that there was anything overly bad about today, besides the obvious. It was just draining.

I am grateful for;
  • my cousin, Emma. I forget how much I love her and enjoy spending time with her. She's a really cool kid.
  • the San Francisco dress. I wore in today in hopes that looking good would help me feel good. I think it worked a little bit.
  • dinner with my aunt, uncle and cousin. The silver lining to all of this is that we're getting in a lot of family time.
  • crossword puzzles. I did them beside my grandfather's hospital bed before he died, and now I have a book of them for spending time with my grandmother.
  • my over-sized cardigan. So. Comfy.

1 comment:

  1. You have my full permission to send me a text/leave me a voicemail that contains nothing but profanity if it will help at all.

    I myself have sent a "shit fuck motherfucker fuck shit" text before. It's nice to just let it out.
