Friday, September 11, 2009

Day 56: Second Language

I'm in the middle of reteaching myself Spanish, mostly because I miss having a second language. I still know the basics, but it was fun being pseudo-fluent. Plus, my first college advisor screwed up my foreign language requirement, and no one bothered to fix it, so I may need to take another class when I go back to school.

It's been weird to sit down on my bed with a workbook and my college Spanish book. I haven't done the homework thing in a while, and I never did it unless I had to. Now I'm doing in voluntarily. Odd...

Today, I am grateful for:
  • sleeping in without intending to and having it not be a problem. I woke up feeling so rested.
  • getting the next disc of BSG from Netflix. (I watched it all today...)
  • an early to bed night with ghost shows on in the background.
  • the sunflower in my front garden that came from the packet of seeds they gave out at the Seeds of Compassion Conference that I went to with Erin and Travis. It's a good reminder, and it's impossible to be unhappy while looking at it.
  • realizing I didn't lose as much of my Spanish as I thought I did.


  1. 1. I'm thinking of randomly starting to learn a new language because I'm so bored.

    2. BSG will rule the world! Muahahahaaaaaa!!!! Seriously though, I'm so happy you like it.

  2. Is it bad that I want you to learn Spanish so that when I randomly text it or speak it, someone understands me? (I have a weird tendency to not realize I've switched into Spanish.)

  3. Not bad. I enjoy when someone understands my random French phrases. The random Irish ones, not so much. But I was thinking something along the "much less useful" lines. Like Italian or Greek.
