Saturday, September 19, 2009


Well, last night was interesting. I went to hang out at Anne's (which is also Zach, Mana, Kings, Bryan, Faith, Eric, Kyle, and Kristin's) and just by chance wore one of my favorite skirts. I get there, and I find out that it is a no pants party, so I am fitting right in with my skirt choice. To make a long story very short I got very drunk (probably at least a bottle of wine to myself with no food or water) and managed to hug everyone, and kiss several people, including Eric (who I had just met), Anne (who was drunk for the first time ever) and a guy named Alex, who is a nursing major (I know practically nothing else about him).

Overall it was a pretty fun night. I can't even remember the last time I was that drunk, and though I did some pretty silly stuff, it was a blast and I love Anne, Zach, Bryan, Mack, Kaitlyn and many other people who were there (except Kyle's awkward friends who wouldn't leave when it was obvious that the party was over.)

So, gratitude:
  • Not having a hangover.
  • Playing with Henna today.
  • Pooka being all cuddly when I got home this morning after crashing on a giant beanbag.
  • Feeling hot again. It has been a while since I've felt worthy of male attention and let me tell you, it feels good to have my sassy attitude back (not that a bottle of wine couldn't help anyone get sassy, but I felt that way before I even poured myself a glass, or shall I say a mug? We were classy.)
  • Staying grateful, if not motivated. I've felt very restless lately, very existential and stir crazy, but through it all I've remained positive and grateful, which feels great.


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