Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's been a long day.

It's been one of those days where finding anything to be grateful about has been tough. Long, dramatic story short, my day started with a minor annoying encounter with my father than ended up being a full scale fight lasting most of the day. So gratefulness was not exactly on my mind. So here's what I'm grateful for in what's been an overall unpleasant day.

-Writing. It's a lot easier to get my point across when I'm composing a logical argument and can't be interrupted. Also, the lack of direct confrontation leading to yelling is nice.
-Evenings spent talking with friends. Destiny invited a few of us over to see her and Tim's new place, and we just talked for three hours. It was lovely, and a much more pleasant end to the day than I was foreseeing.
-Ice cream. I'm going to have mint chocolate chip in a waffle cone. Yum.

With that very short list, here's to hoping tomorrow will be better! Although, with the start of both Glee and SYTYCD, I'm pretty sure it will be!!!

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