Sunday, September 20, 2009


When I started writing this post, I began by apologizing for not posting last week and talking about how I was so sick. But I decided to delete all that because, 1) you all know I've been sick and was disappointed to have to postpone my birthday dinner, and 2) I'm feeling much better today and I think it's more important to focus on this new day, a new round of health just around the corner, and this very special date.

Today is my 23rd birthday!!!

It's strange how 23 somehow sounds so much older than 22. But, like Sam told me this morning, "Every birthday from now on is going to make us feel old. And 30 very well might kick our asses." (So true.) I responded that we'll be 30 and fabulous... because otherwise, all those Sex & the City episodes we watched will have been in vain.

Anyway, I'm grateful that I've lived another year and experienced so much during that time - new friendships, old friendships getting better, being a part of some really outstanding theatre, making incredible music with Choir of the West (the Mendelssohn Ave Maria will forever be one of my favorite pieces), graduating from college (!!!), The San Francisco trip and The Rules...... those are just a few of the highlights.
It's been a strange year with lots of stress and sometimes more downs than ups - but I survived it, and I'm grateful for that.

So. There's my obligatory, sappy reflection on my 22nd year. Here are some of the other things I'm grateful for today:
  • The gorgeous weather.
  • Getting cast in the ensemble for Rent at TMP.
  • Birthday messages from friends.
  • My mom doing what she can to make sure I have a good birthday, even if I'm not going out on the town like I'd hoped. She's making lasagna for dinner (one of my all-time favorite foods) and picked up a tiramisu for dessert.
  • Knowing that my birthday celebration with friends will be wonderful whenever it happens. Hopefully later this week?
  • Kelli and I go to Portland for the Jason Mraz concert a week from today!
  • The comforts of football on tv, a big blanket, and a good book.
  • My dogs. Lexi has stayed by my side, keeping a watchful eye on me while I've been sick, and Gidget's been my couch companion.... which is great, except she freaks out whenever I sneeze. She doesn't get why I keep spontaneously exploding.
  • TV on DVD. Such a life-saver on sick days. I made it through most of the first season of Friends.
  • I made ginger dog treats and the house smells divine. (And I can actually smell today!) I was going to make spice cookies too (for people, not dogs) until I realized that we still have a bunch of chocolate peanut butter cookies from my last baking spree. Oh well.
  • Aaaand this. Because yes, I'm easily amused:

1 comment:

  1. Isn't being able to smell just a beautiful thing? It makes me so happy!
