Saturday, September 12, 2009

September 12th

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I keep forgetting until it's really late and I'm ready to collapse into bed. Anyway...

Today, I'm grateful for:
  • this indian summer weather we've got going.
  • Gidget learning how to jump up on the couch. She's decided she loooves hanging out on the couch with me during the day.
  • our new ginger vanilla candles at BBW. I already have too many candles, but I really want to buy one anyway... they're that amazing.
  • getting pulled into Operation Modcloth Pin-Up. Surprisingly, I'm only a tiny bit scared of Sam's world domination.
  • finding a good hotel in Portland at a cheap price for Kelli and I. We're going to the Jason Mraz concert down there on the 27th (happy birthday from my parents!) and decided to stay over night so 1) we wouldn't have to drive back late at night, and 2) we can hang out in Portland the next day, do some shopping, and hopefully meet up with my friend Nick who's going to grad school there.
  • the fact that I finally get to see Jason Mraz live!!!
  • the new seasons of SYTYCD, Top Model, and of course, Glee! Wednesday night is now officially the best night of the week.
  • Tyce Diorio's beautiful work on SYTYCD winning the Emmy for Best Choreography. All of the SYTYCD nominees were incredible - loved "Bleeding Love," absolutely adored "Mercy" - but I'm really glad they acknowledged the brilliant artistry of Tyce's Adam and Eve piece. I agree with what Mia Michaels had to say when it was first performed: it was an exquisite piece of moving, breathing human body art.
  • my bed, my comforter, my four fantastic pillows... they're calling to me!
Good night, my loves!

1 comment:

  1. Don't be scared. I promise to be a fun and peaceful world dominator. I may even instate world-wide casual Friday...

    You'll have to text or message me what countries you want when it's complete. Kelli anmd I have already started picking.
