Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day 75: "My grief place is a slutty place."

Today has been an amazing day. I didn't have expect to have a good day while I was in town, quite frankly, but today was happy and energizing and everything that I needed.

For starters, I had coffee with Kelli to this morning/afternoon. Sitting at a corner Starbucks in Columbia City, we got to catch up and nerd out and just chat in a way that is so hard to do through texting or over Facebook. It felt so good to see her in person and be able to hug her and hear her laugh. We're crazy. But we're awesome.

From there, it was off to Kirkland and then Tacoma to see my cousin play for her high school volleyball team. It was a fun ride chatting with my aunt, and Emma (my cousin) and I are so much alike despite being so different. It's amazing how similar we can be growing up in different households and with somewhat different interests. She's a cool kid. And an amazing young woman.

So, today, I am grateful for:
  • Kelli driving all the way to Columbia City to see me. Best morning I've had in a while.
  • all of the old photos of my grandmother I saw today. I really do look so much like her.
  • good meals with my aunt, uncle and cousin. Tina (my aunt) is a great cook, and it's just been great family time.
  • Jason Mraz. I've been listening to him a lot while I'm here. "Beautiful Mess" is still my favorite song. I can't even explain how comforting his music is.
  • family time. I've needed it.

Thanks to everyone for the good vibes. Love to you all.

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