Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day 54: Skeezy Ass Motherfuckers

My mother laughs when I swear. Occasionally she'll tell me to "watch my language" through the giggling, but for some reason, she finds it some sort of adorable. I know I should be used to it, but it shocks me every time. I'm waiting for the time I take it too far, but that day hasn't come yet.

So today my mom and I were running errands, and I had to go to pharmacy. She goes ahead and does her errands, and I stand there in line. For some reason, the guys right behind me didn't realize I could hear them and started talking about me. So I was a little skeezed out (The term "yummy" was used. No. Thanks.) and gave my mom a bad time about it when we met up again. You would think that, "You left me there with some skeezy ass motherfuckers" would have crossed the line as far as acceptable language, especially in public. But no. My mother laughed so hard and then jokingly promised to never leave me again.

I have the coolest mother ever. Seriously. Gotta love it.

Besides my kick ass mother, I am grateful for:
  • the return of So You Think You Can Dance. The tap dancers were out of this world tonight.
  • Adam Shankman. I say this every time he's on the SYTYCD panel, but that man is all kinds of fabulous.
  • Glee. I think it might be impossible to be unhappy during that show. And that version of "Take a Bow" was actually pretty cool.
  • Sophie having an "I want to be with Sam" day today. She followed me everywhere today, and apparently when I left to run errands she got all mopey. It was super cute, and it was nice to have a full-time buddy today. (She also totally took over my bed, by the way.)
  • Top Chef. (Clearly tonight was a television night.) I love food shows as much as I love dance shows. I can't make a lot of the stuff the contestants put together, but I can usually at least make a variation, and it gives me a lot of good ideas.

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