Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I'm a Gleek.

Today, I'm grateful for:
  • rocking out to Glee cast recordings while doing my hair and makeup this morning.
  • having friends who majored in English edit my cover letter for me.
  • getting everything I need for my internship application ready today, even if I spent about three hours working on it... nitpicking... formatting... fiddling with word choices....
  • Mary, one of my sales leads at work and pretty much my second mom. She has been one of my biggest supporters since I started working with her three years ago, always wanting to know about my shows, auditions, opportunities, etc. And today she's my saving grace. I started getting nervous about getting my letter of recommendation from Jeff in time to get my application in by Thursday, so I called Mary. She was more than happy to write me a letter on such short notice and promises to have it in my email by early tomorrow morning. Mary, I know you won't see this, but thankyouthankyouthankyou!
  • The Rachel Zoe Project on Bravo. Like Sam, I've become obsessed with the fashion and the bitchiness of Rachel and her crew - they're the snarky, fun kind of bitchy instead of the make-me-want-to-throw-things-at-my-tv bitchy. Like, I want to be best friends with Brad, and I want to go for drinks with Rachel. (And have both of them be my personal shoppers. Pleeeaaasssee?) I definitely had three episodes of the show on in the background while I worked on my internship stuff today.
  • the lovely combo of numbing gas and the original Dirty Dancing soundtrack at the dentist. See, I do not like going to the dentist. (... I don't know anyone who does.) And my mouth is super sensitive, so they always give me the "laughing gas," even if I'm just there for a cleaning like I was today. Anyway, what I'm getting at here is that it's a very weird and entertaining feeling to be all relaxed and floaty from the gas while the '80s rock makes you wanna dance around the room with a hairbrush microphone.
  • living in a household where a "lets see what we can throw together for dinner with stuff in the pantry" night results in spinach risotto and parmesan-crusted pork chops. We are such foodies.
  • a good Riesling.
  • the new season of SYTYCD and the premier of Glee tomorrow night!

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