Thursday, September 17, 2009

So busy.

Well, it's been a while, and I don't have much energy tonight. I was sick today, and missed all my classes, but I'm glad I honored my body and rested and I feel much better now. So now on to my gratitude:

  • My AMAZING cast. They are incredible. Each and everyone one of them. It is such a fun and talented group.
  • The fact that we learned five full dance routines in three rehearsals. One week down and we already have a huge chunk of the show learned.
  • Honoring my body. I'm so glad I don't have class tomorrow and can rest some more.
  • Having wonderful friends.
  • Glee and SYTYCD. Even though SYTYCD kinda sucked tonight.
  • Anne coming over to watch the shows and us bemoaning our single status.
  • This moment. Now. :)


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