Saturday, September 12, 2009

So much.

So, I've been MIA for a while. We had closing at the theatre and then we were driving across the country to get back to school, and then classes started and auditions and craziness! However, I've had SO much to be grateful for in the last week or so. First of all, auditions were incredible last night. We had some truly talented freshman, which is always awesome, and some amazing people returning, of course. I'm so excited for dance auditions in a couple hours. We have some great people to chose from and only had a couple truly horrifying auditions. I'm also so thankful for Adrienne and Becca, they are amazing. And for Angie and Anne who helped me by running the sign in table and helping the crazy number of freshman fill out their forms.

So, I'm going to keep this short and sweet, as I will probably be posting much gratefulness about NOMT as soon as I have a cast around 10:30pm tonight.

Other things I'm thankful for:
  • being back in the land of amazing, prepared, raw foods. I know I've been eating way too many calories lately but I'm still losing weight because I'm eating raw! And I feel great!
  • Liking all my classes so far. It might not be my favorite semester ever, but there aren't any classes that I'm really not looking forward too.
  • Watching Passing Strange this morning. If you don't know already, Spike Lee directed a recording of the final performance of Passing Strange on Broadway and it is EXQUISITE! I watched it this morning when I found it on Comcast ON Demand and I laughed and cried and sang along, and it was one of the most amazing pieces of art I've ever seen.
  • Rediscovering "We Just Had Sex" from Passing Strange to put it in the show!!!!
  • NOMT Dance auditions in two hours. I'm so freaking psyched I can barely sit still :)


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