Monday, September 14, 2009

I want my own gay cheerleading squad.

Seriously. Like Rachel Zoe said on tonight's episode of The Rachel Zoe Project (... I watch way too much tv...) every girl feels her best when she's got a group of gay men making her laugh, cheering her on, and telling her how fabulous she is. I know plenty of wonderful gay men, all of whom I love dearly - now I just have to figure out how to convince them to be my personal entourage.

It's been kind of a shallow day. Apologies.

Anyway. Here are some of the things I'm grateful for today:
  • Making today a good fashion day, for no reason. I didn't have anyone to impress. I just hung out at home and went to the mall. But there's something about looking fabulous that makes you feel fabulous, you know? And anything that makes me feel better about myself is good.
  • Knowing that eventually, one day, I'll have an impressive answer to the questions "What are you doing these days? Any jobs?" (I really wish the majority of my conversations with people didn't start that way. Thus is the curse of being a recent college graduate.)
  • My birthday is less than a week away! I think I know how I want to celebrate; now I just have to see if people aren't too busy to spend an evening with me.
  • Operation ModCloth Pin Up.
  • I get to hang out with Clare tomorrow!

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