Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 48: The Only Reason I Would Have Made A Good 50's Housewife

So I'm currently tearing through all of the recipes in my box, in my cook books and in that scary place better known as "my mind." We're having the neighbors over for dinner tomorrow night, and I'm excited for a Friday night dinner and a chance to show off my cooking, but part of me is a little freaked out. My inner monologue sounds something like this: "You want a multi-course shopping list with restrictions on spice levels for six people, and I have to shop at about noon tomorrow? And it needs to blow people away. This is not Top Chef!"

Then I remember that this only a big deal because I'm super Type A and feel the need to make a multi-course dinner. I'm sure Curtis and Charlotte would be fine with burgers on the barbecue. But instead, I feel like making a huge production. Because huge production are more fun and more impressive.

I need a cooking blow torch to help with dessert...

Today, I am grateful for:
  • finding my silver clutch purse. I've been looking all over for it.
  • hearing AAR's "Gives You Hell" on the radio today. It's the perfect song to bounce around to, and I always forget about AAR until I hear one of their songs. Quality. Quality.
  • my awesome kitchen. It really makes cooking fun.
  • making solid progress on cleaning up the guest room.
  • the awesome back-to-back-ness in last night's television that let me watch SYTYCD, Glee and Top Chef in a row. It was a lazy night, but it was a good one.

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