Friday, May 7, 2010

"Life is happiness, indeed..."

I'm grateful for:
  • waking up before my alarm and just laying there in the pool of sunshine coming through my window.
  • being cast as Natalie in All Shook Up at TMP. Our first rehearsal is May 24th!
  • all the work my high school kids are doing on Pride & Prejudice. The show is still pretty rough... which worries me because we've hit crunch time... but I can tell they're really trying.
  • my internship at The 5th giving me the opportunity to sit in on Candide rehearsals. I sit there and just marvel at the incredible talent surrounding me. David Armstrong is a brilliant director, and it's so interesting to watch him work - he's incredibly specific in what he wants, yet he also works very organically, allowing the actors to follow their instincts and inspire him. The actors, of course, are brilliant as well; I could listen to Stanley (Candide) sing for days.
  • fantasy fashion with Sam.
  • having dinner with Katie yesterday. We're determined to hang out regularly even though we're not in a show together anymore.
  • my puppy. Especially when she's being cuddly.

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