Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 291: Squishy

My big goal right now is to get back in shape. It's not for P; I know he'll love me no matter what I look like. But I haven't been good to my body in quite a few years, so I figure it's about time to start, and that means healthy eating and a solid workout plan. I'm supposed to get the DWTS cardio tape from Netflix in the next day or two, so we'll see how that works.

Completely honestly, it's a little motivated by looks. I'd be lying if I didn't admit that. This is the heaviest I've ever been during summer/swimsuit season, and that does make my uncomfortable. But I still want to make it clear: I'm doing this for me.

On a completely different note, things with P have been going really well. I've been trying not to gush, but after our weekend getaway, I'm in a gushy sort of a mood. I've never felt safer, more comfortable, more amazing or more beautiful in someone's arms before. Quite frankly, I never thought I would. Our families meet next time we're in town, and i could not be more excited. It's really one of the last things on the proverbial list of things I feel like need to happen. I know that's random. But I wanted to share.

Today, I am grateful for:
* Netflix.
* feeling kind of bad ass on my morning walk today. (I had to literally climb into the woods after Rufus today. It was kind of fun...)
* pugs with sombreros.
* B liking her package!
* P liking the mix tape!

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