Monday, May 24, 2010

Days 308-310: A Little Catch Up

I've been fragile the past couple of days, which is why I haven't been posting as often as I would like. I've been having serious body image issues lately, and it's taken me a while to back in the "right' mind set. But hopefully now things will get better. I'm still not happy with myself at the moment, but I'm getting there.

These past days, I have been grateful for:
* seeing a turtle super up close during a morning walk.
* phone dates.
* healthy food.
* work out dvds from NetFlix.
* unlimited texting.
* the Hawks heading to the Stanley Cup finals!
* virtual hockey dates.
* Becca wanting to come visit.
* good friends.
* friendly neighbors.
* cute sweats.
* finding the perfect gift.
* being able to girl out with Amy.
* sunshine.
* a good book.

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