Sunday, May 9, 2010

Days 293-295: Mama

It's Mother's Day, a holiday that didn't really mean much to me as a kid. I mean, I wrote my mom a card and made her breakfast, but other than that, Mother's Day was just another day. But as I've grown up, I've realized just how much about my mother there is to honor.

I almost grew up without a mother. When I was twenty months old, my mom had a cranial aneurysm and had to undergo surgery that the doctors were almost certain she wouldn't live through. If she did live, my father was told, she would have to be retauught how to walk and how to talk. But she completely defied the odds. Not only did she survive, but she got bored in the hospital and went for a walk a few days after surgery. She's told me that she remembers deciding to fight for her life. She remembers making the conscious decision to live, for my brother and me.

I don't have the best relationship with my father. I never had. So I've gone to my mom for everything. She taught me how to drive a car and how to braid my hair. We talk about almost anything.

My mom and I have been through quite a bit, individually and together. And I'm so grateful that I have had her as my sidekick.

Today, I am grateful for:
* my mama. I love her so much.
* the prospect of having my own children someday becoming more and more concrete.
* pug noises.
* my DWTS work out tape.
* phone dates.

It's also worth mentioning that a friend from high school will be pulled off life support tomorrow after being rushed to the emergency room Thursday. Her seizure and coma were completely unexpected.

My point is: tell people you love them while you have the chance. You never know when something will happen.

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