Friday, July 2, 2010

Holy Crap It's JULY?!

That's right, it's July. It's been July for like two days. Crazy. So I've been back in my native land for about a month. I have to say I suck at posting, I know, but that doesn't mean I'm not grateful like every day for something I just forget to share it with you all on here! Sooooo....I'm excited for the 4th of July. It's not my fave holiday (although now that I think of it I don't think I have a favorite) but who doesn't love food, drinks and fireworks? I'm excited to spend time with Nellie and just hang out, it's been so long since we've done that (like about two years long) and I always have a good time with her and she always makes me laugh with some kind of snarky comment. I love the snarky. I welcome the snarky. Bring it on.

I just got back from camping and let me tell you: I AM NOT A CAMPING KINDA GIRL. No way, no how. I tried so if anyone asks in the future I can politely decline. It was definitely beautiful but I shall now go back to my usual comment about camping: "Camping to me is staying in a bad hotel room." And I've done that kind of camping and PREFER it. I don't mind a faucet that doesn't always work or a mattress that droops in the middle so that you're sliding into your sleeping partner who you'd rather not slide into (like your grandma. Yeah, I know, picture that people, picture it!). And do you know why I like this kind of camping? CAUSE IT'S INSIDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Under a roof. With doors and A/C (or not if it's super bad camping) and a toilet INSIDE. So, yeah.

Anyways, onto the things I'm grateful for:

  • Being able to housesit. I have a whole house to myself and it's quite lovely.
  • The possibility of seeing the CO bestie the end of this month. I believe her dad lives in the 'Couv and so she'll get to come stay with me at my other housesitting gig on Vashon Island!!!! Woot.
  • Housesitting gig on Vashon. Holy crap that place is beautiful and how have I not been there before? I'm super excited for this, and this gig comes with two cute dogs to look after, too.
  • My mom being THE most supportive person EVER.
  • Potential stage managing gig. It'll be nice to get some more experience on the other side of the stage and let's be honest, I love being in charge-o-stuff.
  • My new nail polish. It's a golden-yellow that is super pretty. It's a nice, easy way to do something different for cheap and feel amazing after.
  • Feeling better. The above mentioned camping trip left me feeling not so great and I think by tomorrow I'll be 100 percent which is needed so I can start practicing again (I've been a slacker and then got yeah.)
  • Inception. This movie canNOT come out soon enough. I ADORE just about everyone in it (Joseph Gordon Levitt anyone?) and I'm super excited about seeing it!
  • The Real Housewives of ANYTHING. Endless amounts of entertainment. Also canNOT wait for part deux of RHONJ. Bring it Danielle, bring it Teresa, bring it.
That's all for now I think. I love you all!!

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