Friday, July 23, 2010

Days 365-70: One Year

I missed the one year anniversary of Daily Gratitude. An absence for which I apologize. The truth is, Day 365 was probably my most grateful day. It was Phil's last day here, a day for which I am completely grateful for. That week with P was one of the best, if not the best week of my life.

I realized I've been referring to him as P this entire time, save a few minor slip-ups. This was partly to protect him and partly to protect me in case things didn't work out. But he's the guy I love and the man I want to spend my life with, so he deserves more than an initial. His name is Phil. And he's amazing.

I am grateful for:
* Phil.
* his week here in Hot Springs.
* my frog prince.
* paintings of waterfalls.
* good friends.
* air conditioning.
* movies.
* handmade crosses.
* masquerade masks.
* feeling completely content in one person's arms.

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