Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 358: Soul Searching (Continued)

The soul searching definitely carried into today. And yet, "soul searching" isn't really the right name for it. It's just the only name I could come up with...

What started as wondering where my life would go resulted in realizing exactly how much of my life I have figured out. I know where I want to live. I know who I want to spend my life with and who I want to have children with. I know which friends I will be friends with for the rest of my life and who I can always count on for a laugh or a safe place to cry. I know where I want to end up geographically and spiritually, and I have a pretty damn good idea of how to get there.

What I don't have figured out is work. And that scared me because that used to be life. For the majority of my life, I've been focused on balancing school and/or work with the rest of my life and letting the rest of my life take a back seat (or the trunk). So it took really sitting down and thinking about it to realize that that isn't the center of my life anymore. People are.

And having the people I love be my center is exactly the type of life I want to lead. I have an amazing group of people in my life, and they deserve to be cherished. And I deserve to have a cherished relationship with them.

I love being a career bitch. No doubt. But that's not what defines me anymore. It's merely a single facet among many. And I think I'm going to be even happier now that I have that figured out.

Today, I am grateful for:
* all of the wonderful people in my life.
* having P here in a few days.
* fun restaurants and recipes for said visit.
* good books. (I'm reading A Vintage Affair and absolutely loving it.)
* campari and orange spritzers.

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