Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Days 372-75: Tailor Made

The past two evenings have been spent hanging out with the neighbors. Last night we had Curtis and Charlotte over for a family-style dinner, and tonight we went out with Don and Debbie to The Colorado Grill in downtown Hot Springs. We all see each other every other day at the very least, but it's always nice to spend the time catching up. We've been out on the boats with them and out to dinner with them, and we've been through some pretty big life events together. They're amazing people. And while I can't wait to move back to Washington, I'll miss having them as neighbors. I'd love for my parents to stay here just so Phil and I could come back and visit.

I am grateful for:
* Southern nail polish.
* dinners out.
* dinners in.
* my brother coming on Friday.
* Riley and Tyler coming for a visit soon.
* phone dates.
* changing a recipe completely around and having it work out.
* my J. Vincent stilettos.
* having a good friend trust me with some information.
* Make Up Mah Jongg on Cosmo Online. (Judge all you want. It's addictive.)
* getting something I've been stressed over for a while all figured out today.
* music that makes me want to dance.
* unlimited texting.
* getting to hear the neighbors gush about how much they like Phil.
* feeling a little less mope-tastic.

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