Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 377: Chubby Bitches

Everything's fine. I just miss saying that...

Today, I am grateful for:
* my brother being in town.
* a morning chat with Becca.
* ebelskivers.
* how adorable Hobo is.
* bucket lists.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Rules

Sam and I are both missing San Francisco today... and thus I've been thinking about The Rules - a list that originated on that trip and has governed our lives for over a year now. Scarcely a day goes by when I am not grateful for The Rules. Kelli and Sam have often Rule 15'd me into a great pair of shoes, one extra drink, or some eye-tennis with a cute boy. All three of us have Rule 6'd each other to save ourselves the consequences of wearing leggings as pants or doing/saying/texting something we'll regret the next morning. In short, The Rules are for the greater good of all.

And I now feel the need to share the full list 1) for archival purposes, 2) so that they may enrich your own life, and 3) because tonight, we added a new Rule. Don't fret if you don't understand some of The Rules... just trust that they will never fail you.

The Rules:
1) No beating each other. (Exception: Beating others is acceptable if Sam leads us down a dark alley.)
2) No apologizing for being girly.
3) "Chubby bitches" is the safe word. And possibly a compound word.*
4) Blame Jessica Biel.
5) No getting rabies.
6) Don't do that / Intervention for your own safety.
7) No STDs.
8) What happens in San Fran stays in San Fran.
9) No pulling a Stacey.
10) No falling in the water - you will get left behind.
11) No exploding.**
12) Don't provoke the gorillas.***
13) Stop making eye contact / Quality control.
14) Equal or better ratios!
15) Just fucking do it! (Sexual favors excluded.)
16) All texts to boys must be approved.
17) No exercising on vacation.
18) You must be able to walk your own ass home.

Aaaand, #19, which was added tonight:
No using dollar signs in place of letters. (Sam will never be $am.)

Because while I will admit that her song "My First Kiss" is really damn catchy and stuck in my head - I blame SYTYCD - I refuse to spell Kesha's name that way.

And there you have 'em, ladies. (And anyone else who reads our little blog.) Use them wisely.

*I should note that "Pomegranate" has become a safe word too... though it is also the word used to summon the fashion intervention team. Yes, it's confusing.
** Don't worry, we were never actually at risk of exploding or getting rabies or STDs in San Fran. We just figured those were generally good Rules for everyday life.
***I love that this Rule originated because we were planning to visit the San Francisco Zoo, but we never actually made it there. And yet the Rule still exists.

Day 376: I Love You Because

Today, I am grateful for:
* the perfect arrangement of pillows.
* sound recording capabilities on my phone.
* my brother getting in tomorrow morning!
* another phone date tonight.
* pictures from SF.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Days 372-75: Tailor Made

The past two evenings have been spent hanging out with the neighbors. Last night we had Curtis and Charlotte over for a family-style dinner, and tonight we went out with Don and Debbie to The Colorado Grill in downtown Hot Springs. We all see each other every other day at the very least, but it's always nice to spend the time catching up. We've been out on the boats with them and out to dinner with them, and we've been through some pretty big life events together. They're amazing people. And while I can't wait to move back to Washington, I'll miss having them as neighbors. I'd love for my parents to stay here just so Phil and I could come back and visit.

I am grateful for:
* Southern nail polish.
* dinners out.
* dinners in.
* my brother coming on Friday.
* Riley and Tyler coming for a visit soon.
* phone dates.
* changing a recipe completely around and having it work out.
* my J. Vincent stilettos.
* having a good friend trust me with some information.
* Make Up Mah Jongg on Cosmo Online. (Judge all you want. It's addictive.)
* getting something I've been stressed over for a while all figured out today.
* music that makes me want to dance.
* unlimited texting.
* getting to hear the neighbors gush about how much they like Phil.
* feeling a little less mope-tastic.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 371: White Roses

Today, I am grateful for:
* my mama bringing me flowers home because I'm still mope-tastic and missing Phil.
* chocolate ebelskivers.
* Curtis and Charlotte.
* my new sweatshirt from TTR&E. It was a sweet birthday present.
* Cake Boss.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Days 365-70: One Year

I missed the one year anniversary of Daily Gratitude. An absence for which I apologize. The truth is, Day 365 was probably my most grateful day. It was Phil's last day here, a day for which I am completely grateful for. That week with P was one of the best, if not the best week of my life.

I realized I've been referring to him as P this entire time, save a few minor slip-ups. This was partly to protect him and partly to protect me in case things didn't work out. But he's the guy I love and the man I want to spend my life with, so he deserves more than an initial. His name is Phil. And he's amazing.

I am grateful for:
* Phil.
* his week here in Hot Springs.
* my frog prince.
* paintings of waterfalls.
* good friends.
* air conditioning.
* movies.
* handmade crosses.
* masquerade masks.
* feeling completely content in one person's arms.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 364: 500 Posts of Gratitude

Today, I am grateful for:
* a-mazing food.
* looking with P for stuff for our place.
* a fun day of getting to be a couple.
* pocket hearts.
* discovering new parts of Little Rock and Hot Springs.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 363: Ebelskivers

Today, I am grateful for:
* showing P my town today.
* mango margaritas.
* hypothetical haunted bath houses.
* fun masks.
* the back rub I'm getting while typing this.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Days 360-62: Peace

I am grateful for:
* having P here.
* spending yesterday floating on the lake together (even if it did lead to some sun burning).
* how great the neighbors have been.
* how cute the dogs have been.
* waking up and falling asleep next to him.
* having known Peter, a dear friend of mine who passed away this morning. He was larger than life with a heart to match.
* sunshine.
* the prospect of exploring LR.
* memories. Of Peter. Of friends. Of family.
* cupcakes.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 359: Only A Day Away

Today, I am grateful for:
* free VS swag when I went in to buy a new bra and new sweatpants. Expensive swag... I love.
* perfect cupcakes. P has never tasted my baking, so I wanted to make him some of my signature cupcakes.
* P getting here tomorrow!
* a fabulous night of television.
* K being back safe!

"I guess when you think about it, all the best things in life are like magic - music, laughin', fallin' in love."

I am grateful.
I am grateful for making peace with the bad moments because I know I'm meant for bigger and better things.
I'm grateful for this newfound assurance and confidence.
I'm grateful for completely surreal moments that reaffirm my life choices, like after last night's show when nearly 70 high school students wanted pictures with Steve and I in the lobby.
I'm grateful for my castmates who continuously encourage, energize, and love me.
I'm grateful for Bethany, who is seriously one of the absolute best stage managers I've ever had.
I'm grateful that even when we can't be together, my best friends are only a text-message away.
I'm grateful that my grandparents were able to see me perform on opening night.
I'm grateful that the show has been so well received thus far.
I'm grateful for the power of music.
I'm grateful that inspiration is all around me.
I'm grateful to have someone crush-worthy in my life, even if I'm completely and utterly confused by his signals right now.
I'm grateful for the magic that is "eye-tennis."
I'm grateful that my girls will talk me through anything.
I'm grateful for the gorgeous hot weather we've had lately.
I'm grateful that K comes home soon.
I'm grateful to have some time to rest & recharge now that I've survived tech & opening weekend. (Though I know I'll start feeling restless and useless without things to do.)
I'm grateful that I'm finally blogging again!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 358: Soul Searching (Continued)

The soul searching definitely carried into today. And yet, "soul searching" isn't really the right name for it. It's just the only name I could come up with...

What started as wondering where my life would go resulted in realizing exactly how much of my life I have figured out. I know where I want to live. I know who I want to spend my life with and who I want to have children with. I know which friends I will be friends with for the rest of my life and who I can always count on for a laugh or a safe place to cry. I know where I want to end up geographically and spiritually, and I have a pretty damn good idea of how to get there.

What I don't have figured out is work. And that scared me because that used to be life. For the majority of my life, I've been focused on balancing school and/or work with the rest of my life and letting the rest of my life take a back seat (or the trunk). So it took really sitting down and thinking about it to realize that that isn't the center of my life anymore. People are.

And having the people I love be my center is exactly the type of life I want to lead. I have an amazing group of people in my life, and they deserve to be cherished. And I deserve to have a cherished relationship with them.

I love being a career bitch. No doubt. But that's not what defines me anymore. It's merely a single facet among many. And I think I'm going to be even happier now that I have that figured out.

Today, I am grateful for:
* all of the wonderful people in my life.
* having P here in a few days.
* fun restaurants and recipes for said visit.
* good books. (I'm reading A Vintage Affair and absolutely loving it.)
* campari and orange spritzers.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 357: Wild Hope

Today started as a day that my mom and I were going to go prematurely (and immaturely) Christmas crazy. And that did, in fact, happen. (Hallmark unveiled the first part of their Keepsake Ornament collection today for Christmas 2010.) But for a day that started as one very much about material things, I've been thinking a lot about where my heart is. Obvious answers include: with Phil, in Seattle, the left side of my person... And those are all completely true. But I guess I thought of it in more of a "What do I want to do with my one wild and precious life?" sort of way. (Fellow Lutes, I apologize for the reference, but it happens to fit.) How do I want to leave a mark in this life? What do I want to do with my passions? What are my greatest passions? How am I going to afford to eat in the process?

I've come up with some answers that I already knew and some answers that are pleasant surprises. For example, realizing how much I want a family makes me smile. Knowing who that family will be with makes me smile. Knowing where that mark will be made makes me smile. And yet there are some questions left. Is this what I really want? Is it a remotely good idea? Will it screw me and P over economically? Where do I start? They aren't unaswerable questions, but they're currently unanswered. I have a lot of thinking to do...

In the meantime, I am grateful for:
* good books.
* fun Christmas ornaments.
* the possibilities of the future.
* P being only days away.
* seeing Duey and Hobo today.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Days 355 & 356: Baby Steps

Okay, so the offerings aren't as consistent as I'd like, but I promise I'm still grateful. I've just had a lot to do lately. P comes on Tuesday, so I've been cleaning house and getting things in order, and I had to go to the doctor yesterday (which I hate doing), so that sucked up a fair amount of my energy. But overall, things have been good.

I am grateful for:
* my new jeans.
* a new swimsuit.
* my Blackhawks shirt!
* a boyfriend with wonderful fashion sense who also happens to be adorable.
* Bec.
* friends understanding weird dreams.
* getting the shadowbox up on the wall.
* a card from Em!
* my adorable dogs.
* bright pink nail polish.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Days 352-54: Walking In Memphis

I am grateful for:
* P's upcoming visit.
* a good trip to Memphis today.
* cute FB pictures.
* texting with friends.
* reliving my childhood.
* my dogs and how adorable they are.
* morning walks.
* photos.
* new cupcake ideas.
* madelines.
* new jewelry.
* sunshine and rain together.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 351: Naveen

Today, I am grateful for:
* good recipes.
* texting.
* dvd rentals.
* Studio 60 being released to NF Instant.
* P.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 350: Relaxation

It's been a nice, relaxing day. I haven't really done much. I reheated yesterday's wonderful food and did a lot of checking stuff online.

So, today I am grateful for:
* relaxation.
* how well the spanikopita reheated.
* coming up with a fun recipe for gluten free cupcakes to suggest to Em!
* my own personal Naveen.
* good, food-based television.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Days 340-49: Birthday Bitch

Wow. It has been a long time since I've gotten my gratitude on. Way too long. And the truth is, I have no excuse. Life hasn't been super busy or more complicated than usual. I've just been lazy.

But today is my 24th birthday, so it seemed like the perfect day to recommit myself to this practice. The past few days have given me so much to be grateful for.

For example, I am grateful for:
* all the sweet, loving and wonderful birthday wishes I received today. From Facebook, to texts, to phone calls - it's all been wonderful. I got to text with my girls, talk with my brother, talk with P, talk to P's mom and sister and see Riley and Tyler. I couldn't have asked for more love.
* cute new stuff for P's and my place! My mom picked out some great stuff that will turn the apartment into a home.
* doing the cupcakes for Em's wedding! 'm so far beyond excited that I get to do this for Em and Clay!
* my own frog prince.
* spending the day in the kitchen. I made spanikopita, chocolate spice cupcakes (with chocolate ganache and candied ginger) and orange/campari spritzers.
* Riley and Tyler. The neighbors' grandkids are in town, and they are the sweetest kids ever. We've been playing a lot, and they surprised me this morning with flowers. A-dorable.

Holy Crap It's JULY?!

That's right, it's July. It's been July for like two days. Crazy. So I've been back in my native land for about a month. I have to say I suck at posting, I know, but that doesn't mean I'm not grateful like every day for something I just forget to share it with you all on here! Sooooo....I'm excited for the 4th of July. It's not my fave holiday (although now that I think of it I don't think I have a favorite) but who doesn't love food, drinks and fireworks? I'm excited to spend time with Nellie and just hang out, it's been so long since we've done that (like about two years long) and I always have a good time with her and she always makes me laugh with some kind of snarky comment. I love the snarky. I welcome the snarky. Bring it on.

I just got back from camping and let me tell you: I AM NOT A CAMPING KINDA GIRL. No way, no how. I tried so if anyone asks in the future I can politely decline. It was definitely beautiful but I shall now go back to my usual comment about camping: "Camping to me is staying in a bad hotel room." And I've done that kind of camping and PREFER it. I don't mind a faucet that doesn't always work or a mattress that droops in the middle so that you're sliding into your sleeping partner who you'd rather not slide into (like your grandma. Yeah, I know, picture that people, picture it!). And do you know why I like this kind of camping? CAUSE IT'S INSIDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Under a roof. With doors and A/C (or not if it's super bad camping) and a toilet INSIDE. So, yeah.

Anyways, onto the things I'm grateful for:

  • Being able to housesit. I have a whole house to myself and it's quite lovely.
  • The possibility of seeing the CO bestie the end of this month. I believe her dad lives in the 'Couv and so she'll get to come stay with me at my other housesitting gig on Vashon Island!!!! Woot.
  • Housesitting gig on Vashon. Holy crap that place is beautiful and how have I not been there before? I'm super excited for this, and this gig comes with two cute dogs to look after, too.
  • My mom being THE most supportive person EVER.
  • Potential stage managing gig. It'll be nice to get some more experience on the other side of the stage and let's be honest, I love being in charge-o-stuff.
  • My new nail polish. It's a golden-yellow that is super pretty. It's a nice, easy way to do something different for cheap and feel amazing after.
  • Feeling better. The above mentioned camping trip left me feeling not so great and I think by tomorrow I'll be 100 percent which is needed so I can start practicing again (I've been a slacker and then got yeah.)
  • Inception. This movie canNOT come out soon enough. I ADORE just about everyone in it (Joseph Gordon Levitt anyone?) and I'm super excited about seeing it!
  • The Real Housewives of ANYTHING. Endless amounts of entertainment. Also canNOT wait for part deux of RHONJ. Bring it Danielle, bring it Teresa, bring it.
That's all for now I think. I love you all!!