Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"Sometimes I forget my middle name."

I'm grateful for:
  • the return of Glee!!!!
  • Jonathan Groff being on Glee!!!! And being reunited with Lea!
  • the sunshine we had over the weekend.
  • cute spring clothes and the compliments I receive while wearing them.
  • dancing.
  • fashion magazines.
  • having Kim over for a little fondue party on Sunday. I missed my roomie.
  • music that helps lift me out of a bad mood.
  • the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Drama going to Next to Normal! Hell yeah!
  • Travis Wall. Love. His piece on DWTS tonight was so beautiful and fresh - a great combination of classical ballet, contemporary, and hip hop. (If you didn't see it, fear not - all of the dancers were REAL dancers, not "stars." They were guests on the results show.)
  • hard cider.
  • the fact that the kid playing Mr. Darcy the high school production of P&P (which I'm assistant-directing) drives a light blue moped. I'm not really sure why, but that amuses me.

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