Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 277: One Day

I leave tomorrow for a weekend getaway with P, so I might be absent for a few days. Actually, I will be absent for a few days. We don't get to see very much of each other, what with the long distance thing and all, so I'm not bothering to bring a laptop with me since I know where my focus will be.

I'm beyond excited for this weekend. It's three days of nothing but the two of us, save some time with his family and some time at the youth center. It's a chance to make up for lost time.

On the other hand, part of me kind of feels like a jerk. After all, I'm going to be in town for three days and not making an effort to see the friends that I miss like crazy. I've been extremely self conscious about not turning into one of those girls who all of a sudden has no time for anyone/anything except her boyfriend. So the next trip will be full of friends. Promise. There just wasn't enough time this time.

Today, I am grateful for:
* this trip.
* the gorgeous dresses I get to bring with me.
* how excited P's family is to see me. It's really sweet.
* fitting all of my things into one giant suitcase instead of two mostly-giant suitcases.
* morning walks.

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