Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 257: 6 Months

I'm in Bristol, Virginia tonight, on my way to Philly, which makes me incredibly happy since Philly means time with my brother. But today is also special since it's the six month anniversary of P's and my first date. We had an anniversary phone date, and he got me this amAzing jewelry (with the sweetest card).

Today is also terrible day because I found out that an old friend from home committed suicide because of drug problems. He was a good friend growing up and always stood up for me. I haven't seen him for a very long time, but the guy I remember was a good guy. I'm not sure why he chose the path he did or what that path even was exactly. But I'll miss the guy he used to be and the man he could have been.

Today, I am grateful for:
*the amazing support system I have.
*P and this past six months.
*my brother.

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