So I slept in this morning and have watched a little television. Tomorrow I'm going to actually need to be productive. But I needed some distracting.
See, my aunt's service is the 15th of this month in Maryland, and my parents and I are going. And I'm really glad I get the opportunity to go to a service for her. But that means that I probably won't get to Seattle for a while, so I can't honestly keep telling Phil that I'll be there "soon." So I'm debating flat out telling Phil that I'm not sure when I'll be able to see him. I'm debating having the conversation where I basically have to ask if he's willing/up for waiting for me. That doesn't sound like a fun conversation.
But in the meantime, I am grateful for:
- Amy's visit.
- my mom's split pea soup tonight.
- the smell of hot tea.
- Sophie being all cuddly.
- arm warmers.
- Zachary Levi.
- new television seasons starting soon.
- time to do some reading.
- some new motivation to write.
- the Nine soundtrack.
I covet your arm warmers. I just should have bought some cause now I can't find what I want!!!!!!!