Thursday, July 7, 2011

Days 677-720: Long Time Gone

Life is a strange thing. It's ours - "our life" - but we have very little control over it. And for control freaks like me, that can be a problem. I turned 25 a few days ago, and I found myself having a quarter-life crisis, thinking about what I'd done and trying to figure out what exactly I wanted to do. And the truth is: having a plan is good, but it's never something to count on because so much is out of our control. I keep thinking about how "you can't control the situation; you can only control how you handle the situation." That's something I need to practice with my gratitude. Phil has been a good influence on that. (He's far more relaxed than I am.) But I need to start owning it for myself.

Today, I am grateful for:
* the most amazing boyfriend.
* friends I can say anything to.
* wonderful, wonderful music.
* good conversation.
* girl-talk in the break room.
* high fives.
* finally getting my hair done.
* this strange sense of calm.
* love.

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