Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"Ken, I grew up in Dublin. I love Dublin."

Bonus points if you know where the quote comes from. I didn't include the second half because it totally gives it away.

I have mixed feelings about St. Patrick's day. On one hand, it bothers me that everyone uses it to perpetuate the stereotype of the drunken Irish people and everyone claims they're Irish. (Something that I know also bothers my Irish friends.) On the other hand, it means people are actually acknowledging how frakking awesome the country that I'm in love with really is. And being of Irish descent, I do take a little pride in it. (Though, I really should be wearing my orange sweater and not my green one, seeing as I'm Protestant.)

All that aside, today is a pretty awesome day for completely unrelated reasons. So here is a short list. (I like lists. And apparently using parenthesis as well.)

1. I HAVE A JOB!!! (Capslock totally necessary.) A job that will give me hours! A job that will allow me to have a life again!
2. It's absolutely stunning outside right now. Bright blue skies, warm weather, and just a hint of a breeze.
3. Christy Altomare's music. Even if they subject matter is sad, the simple but gorgeous melodies she writes always make me happy.
4. Iced coffee. Nothing more need be said.
5. Getting to see my old track coach. Gail is seriously one of my favorite people in the world. She's insanely supportive but not afraid to call you on any bullshit, she's warm and friendly and always cheerful. And she gives some of the best hugs in the world. Seriously. She just wraps her arms all the way around you and draws you in and doesn't let go. It makes you feel so loved and cared for and it's amazing. I cannot express the amount of love I have for that incredible woman. And she's one of the only people I know that can say "I'm praying for you" and really mean it in a totally non-condescending way.

Those are just a few reasons why today is awesome. But it is. And now I'm going to go drink my Jameson.

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