Today is an amazing, historic day. And an inspiring one at that. Prop 8 was overturned and thrown out by a California judge today on the basis that Prop 8 was unconstitutional and violated the civil rights of gays and lesbians everywhere. Today, a court ruled that we can't deny people rights based on who they love.
I can't imagine being told that my love was less legitimate than any other love. I can't imagine being told that Phil and I wouldn't be allowed to marry. I'm extremely lucky. But others aren't as lucky, and that breaks my heart.
This is just the beginning (or the continuation of the beginning) of a much bigger fight for equality. First California, then the whole country. That's my dream.
Today, I am grateful:
* that equality and love prevailed today.
* that I have been lucky enough to have found love and not be punished or persecuted for it.
* the two amazing couples who fought Prop 8 and one. They are courageous and inspiring, and the world needs more people like them.
* love in general.
* that the movement continues.
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