It had already been a more than usually fun day. The weather was beautiful, there was no traffic for our mini road trip, we had spectacular music to drive to, and I got to drive over 60 mph, an occurrence I always enjoy just a little. There had been coffee, fun conversations, I was wearing a cute shirt, and our seats were good. We had almost been run over by Bushwalla and were still taking joy in (and kicking ourselves over) our almost interaction with him.
The perfect question was just the beginning of what was a truly incredible, amazing, uplifting, fucking brilliant night. Bushwalla's couple of songs were a fun warmup, and G. Love and Special Sauce are a new and wonderful musical discovery for me. After the groovy, funny, sometimes raunchy, bluesy, dueling harmonica set from them, we were treated to some Michael Jackson while the crew set up for Jason. And what followed was about two hours of incredible talent, energy, and good spirits. Lauren and I sang, danced, didn't steal things, and had a wonderful wonderful time. Even being at home over 24 hours later, I'm still on a little bit of a high from it. That man knows how to throw a concert.
I say "throw" a concert because it felt so much more like a giant party than just a performance. For a couple of hours, we were all together, having fun and all a part of something special and memorable. We ended up having drinks in the hotel bar afterwards. I'm glad we did, because even as tired as I was, there was no way I would have been able to settle down right away. I was too excited.
So, in a very small list, I give you a vague recap of my gratefulness:
-Bushwalla's humor, qotd, and music.
-Finding new music and falling more in love with old favorites.
-Getting to spend time with one of my favorite people in the world.
-Best quote of Saturday afternoon/evening: "I apologize on behalf of your subconscious."
And as I get read to go sleep, this is the final reason I am grateful:

(You're welcome for the eye candy.)
Sounds like a fab day! Loves it.